Feed me Seymour.
As I pondered life eating a mediocre meal from Schlotzky's today I came to a few conclusions about food. Most of the items I avoid I do so because of, not taste, but texture. Mushrooms are the prime example. They are gross, not because they taste bad, they don't really taste like anything, but the texture is such that I have a gag-reflex when I know that they are in my mouth. (Implication: If you can mask them in an item such as green bean cassolrole, I may be none the wiser)
I also do not like straws. I like Schlotzky's because the lids that fit on the smaller cups have the fold back tab so the lips make contact with the cup, and the liquid doen't have to travel trough an unnecessary conduit to reach my throat. Creating a vaccum requires less effort, but I think I like the body movement required to take a drink sans-straw.
To complete a tri-fecta, I don't like vegetables on my sandwhich or burger. Gimme the good old meat and cheese and send me on my way. The combinations of vegetables, meat and cheese create dissatisfaction in my life. I guess I could have bigger problems. Not to mention how repulsive mayonaise is when mixed with the others, or alone for that matter.
I believe the dislike of the straw is a guy thing. I don't know many guys who would choose to use a straw when given another option. Although, I must say that I am a big fan of straws. There is such variety...bendy, straight, colored, striped and even diameter! Good times. Plus, straws are very helpful if you are wearing lipstick. But I completely agree with the veggies on the burger, with the exception of some grilled onions.
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