Eddie Sutton and I have something in common...

Yesterday Eddie Sutton got in a car wreck. I really respect him, and think he's a great coach. I so wanted to be like him that I ran my car into a tree this morning. Granted I'll probably never have 800 wins as a basketball coach, but we'll each have had a car accident the week of February 10th 2006, and no one can take that away from us.
The complete story: I was headed to Colonial Presbyterian Church for a Young Life work weekend. Ward Parkway was my thoroughfare of choice, and as I headed south I realized the road was unusually slick for the relatively light layer of snow. None the less I drove on confident the Saab would take me safely to my destination. I couldn't have been more wrong. As a came to the intersection of 79th and Ward Pkwy I began to break as the light turned yellow. When I say I began to break, what I am trying to say is this: I engaged the anti-lock breaks, pushed out the rear end, began to slide sideways, tried to turn into the slide as I was taught, realized I would be unable to stop, was disappointed my car was going to hop the curb causing damage to the wheels and suspension and perhaps the undercarriage, even more so disappointed when I realized there was a tree in the way of my potential yard farming ejection from the roadside, and finally made the front end of my car give the tree a big bear hug. This was the result:

Yup, that's the tree which helped me to understand and appreciate airbags.
The next 2 hours was spent in the passenger seat of Officer Dave's squad car, and on hold with Progressive Insurance getting the claim filed, and waiting for the tow truck to retrieve the wreckage.
Many Blessings to Marsha for coming to pick me up, bring me coffee, and give me a ride home. I am grateful that I have just a bump on my knee. I am also grateful that no one else was involved. The Lord certainly kept me within the veil of His protection.
when the dog bites (OUCH!)
when the bee stings (i'm allergic)
when i'm feeling blue (single tear)
in other news i hear Eddie Sutton was charged with a DUI. I was not, FYI.
jayme! i am glad you are okay. car wrecks are no fun. also glad to hear no dui charges were thrown your way. we'd have to have a talk about that. come see me soon at the peanut or lets make a plan to do something else. i miss ya!
does this mean you will have a stuipd ass photo taken of yourself like that?
oh, and this does mean a new audi!
yikes. wrecks do suck. i'm so glad you're okay!
dude. new car. pics. hello?
jeff didn't tell me anything about this. nice roomate.
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