To the right is a picture of Wes and Johanna from the Real World Austin. I saw them the other night at Paddy O'Quigleys at 119th and Roe. Wes attended Blue Valley North High School. I almost said "Hey, what's up Prince Harry" (he pretended to be Prince Harry when the group was on vacation somewhere in Central or South America) It was weird that-a. I still watch the Real World b. I saw cast members c. Didn't even care.
B-list, and reality TV personalities make me feel good about my life. I hope they make you feel good too.
Has anyone else sighted b-listers out and about?
how about BVN?
...yeah, that's my new claim to fame..."Wes went to my high school."
i have seen t-shirts on some of my YL kids that say "Wes went to my high school...(front)...I don't want to talk about it. (back)
I met Suzanne Vega in the Atlanta airport. But that was pretty darn great—seeing as at the time she was one of my favorite songwriters.
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