New Edition

No, I haven't been pulling out my tapes from 5th grade. This weekend Kayla (former blogger) came over and began a community garden. I really appreciate the enthusiam, and vision she has for it. It is indeed a little late to be starting, so she put a few simple things in with the goal of making salsa when fall rolls around. I'll keep you posted, and for now you can enjoy a few pics.
kayla, do you always shovel barefoot? do you still have ten toes?
it seems like barefoot for mike is a bad choice given his recent medical history.
indeed. click for story.
is this at Lar-dawg's house? du'ude, he always gets to goods (a garden, that is).
kayla, you never cease to amaze me...salsa? now, really. at least it's not crushed red pepper on egg plant!
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