Here I am....
Well. It's been a freaking CRAZY week. I had the best going away party ever, I packed up almost the entirety of my belongings into the Audi, and I drove 14oo miles to my new home!
First, the party. Thank you to all who attended, and those of you who considered attending. It would be an understatement to say that I felt loved. It was certainly more than I would have ever asked for. I'll remember it as long as I live.

Second, packing it up. It was a good chance to get rid of that Members Only jacket that I haven't worn since '89, among other things. I didn't know I had so much junk. It was good to be selective, and purge my life of excess. In the end it all fit in the Audi with room enough to see out the back window, and be sure my bike wasn't being dragged behind the car.

Third, the 1400 miles. That's a long way to drive alone. I left on Friday morning. I got bored. I didn't even make it out of Missouri before I got flipped off for the first time. Apparently truckers don't like it when you pull out in front of them; even when you have plenty of room to make it. I decided that 17hrs wasn't a good idea in one day, so I decided to get to Charleston, WV where I met a man who hadn't been to DC "since they put those interstates in". Are you serious?? That was in the '50s! He didn't seem to even be that old. I stayed at the Travelodge because the sign said free high-speed internet. Apparently to WV folks that means your own dial-up ISP, which I do not have. If I had, most of this post would have been taken care of then, now you're reading (skimming likely) a wicked long post. Sorry. It rained the entire time I was in the state of WV. On Saturday I made it to DC, and had a great time with the Crabbs and Jeffer. Mike, Jeff and I went to Shelly's, our favorire cigar bar in DC, near the White House. Mike's IJM friend Jessica bought us pizza for dinner. That was nice of her. On Sunday I met my sister in Baltimore. She was there for a conference by chance, so we enjoyed Maryland Eggs Benedict (with Crabb meat instead of ham) on the Inner Harbor. Then it was on to Easton for my first day of work, which consisted of a committee meeting, and prayer for the banquet here on Tuesday.
So here I am, living with the Wise family, and I am the Fast Track Area Director of Mid Shore Young Life.
That's what I know. More to come as awesome stuff happens.
Glad you got there safe and sound and that you felt loved at your party. Its going to be so strange without you here. Sounds like you are off to a busy start, good luck!
I miss you already!
so was the "Crabb meat" comment a Freudian slip, or what?
we're glad you're safe, as safe as you can be driving that wicked cool auto and living on the east coast. scary*
Crabb meat was totally intentional. I wrote crab meat, and then revised it to Crabb meat.
glad you made it jayme...i am sad to realize the end of your surprise monday peanut drop ins... hopefully you didn't fill up too much on crabb meat and you were able to enjoy some of that disgusting (in a good way) fun dip i sent along. oh yeah, how was that mixtape?
glad you had a good first day in easton. ethan would like to play again soon. did you notice the crabb on your card?
bri: the tape was awesome. i was pumped to have bebo, and U2 along for the ride.
Crabb meat is SICK! holy smokes.
i'm glad my hand wasn't in the bag of doritos when that pic was snapped... :) BUT, i do see my hand had a beer in it, which is always a good thing (in fact, there is one in my hand right now...)
cheers to the mig in easton!
dude, i want a member's only jacket. it's coming out!
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