I am still alive and kicking. I just spent the week at Young Life camp. I am trying to recover, and get caught up. As soon as that happens I promise full description, detail, and photos.
Or maybe you don't care. Either way I just missed posting, so I felt compelled to put something up.
it's about time.
i've been freaking out about where you were. thanks for the update. i'm relieved.
jayme, i genuinley was concerned, but kayla kept me informed of your whereabouts. we should make a date to watch our old camp video. mike and jason, too... since we were all there together. and mr. stetler can come as a bonus.
Jay. Post about camp. Something. Anything.
Glad you're back! We missed you in the O.C.
Can I come watch the camp video too?!! Please. Ahh, camp. I miss YL. Hello Morgner, how's life?
Michele Harp (now Brooks)
david, quit pestering me about the cherries! i just don't like them and exclaimed it once in a very public setting, i think i'm the only one who finds it funny.
man, what is the secret behind getting 10 comments on such a worthless post? i am so jealous.
Make that 11. The secret is that Jay doesn't ever post, so we all check back and then read all the new comments. Because they're the ONLY NEW THING ON HERE.
Jay, it's okay that you don't like cherries. I hate red apples...i think they are furry (the pulp, not the outside)
cherries taste bad. enough said.
apples are good.
cari, i posted again, i hope you are happy.
kayla, PETA is a funny organization.
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