YL Crooked Creek '05

The fella's of Watanga, Tapanga, Wu-tanga, Whiskey Tango

Rockin' it out at the Ridge Runners

Hiking to the top with Anthony and Murph

Cowboy Grant

Jordan and Stacey pointing out some mountain goats.
I tried to sit down this weekend and put into words how much fun I had, and how life giving my trip was. Everything I wrote seemed pretty trite, and couldn't do the experience justice. What could be more trite that saying ' a picture is worth a thousand words?????' I don't know, but I think these pictures do it.
you look like kyle johnson, or bruce gibbs, my pe instructor that drank beer in his car on the way home from bvms (brett can confirm this), so i agree w/ jeff. both of those guys are cool. be like them. you can do it.
another point, you look good, if you know what i mean.
i concur. you need to let it get about six inches long again. now that's healthy.
jayme, you do look good. of course you do. but my question is this - what the hell is sticking out of your ear in photo #3 and why? im glad you had such a good time.
it's a flower, there is one on the right side as well. it is there because it was given to me.
thank you all for the ego boost!
Glad you had such a great experience at camp! Honestly not sure what I think about the goatee since its such a popular topic. You always look good Jay so do what you like :)
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